How Tieghan of Half Baked Harvest Does a Cozy Christmas

#Harvest | Tieghan Gerard from Half Baked Harvest invited us into her Colorado home to kick off the holiday season with a cozy Christmas dinner party.
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Cordon Bleu Casserole
#Cordon | This Cordon Bleu Casserole is one of those last minute recipes you can whip up with just a few ingredients.

Charred Corn Slaw with Peanut Butter Lime Dressing
#Dressing | Charred corn slaw with peanut butter lime dressing is an excellent BBQ side and or packed up as a salad for a picnic. Smoky, sweet and fresh!

Stuffed Sweet Potatoes with Lentils Kale and Sun Dried Tomatoes
#Sun | Stuffed Sweet Potatoes with lentils, kale and sun dried tomatoes are a great warming meal when it’s freezing cold outside! Can I just say, I am so over this cold weather. Not even so much the cold as the darkness. Every day it’s completely dark by 5.30/6, and on cloudy days it never even gets …

Creamy White Christmas Punch Recipe
#WhiteChristmas | Creamy Christmas Punch . . . a simple punch recipe that is perfect for any Christmas party or gathering. Everyone loves this white punch!


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