Can You Use Apple Pay on Amazon?

Can You Use Apple Pay on Amazon?

The growing popularity of digital wallets has added a new layer of convenience and security when making online and peer-to-peer payments. While the technology has seen strong growth rates among consumers, not all retailers have adopted the tech as an accepted form of payment. Read: How To Build A Financial Plan From Zero Amazon has recently moved to allow Apple Pay on the platform alongside two other popular digital wallets: MasterpassVisa Checkout However, Amazon has left it up to individual vendors to choose whether or not to accept the payment method. That means your ability to make a purchase with Apple Pay depends entirely on the individual or business that you're buying from on the Amazon platform. Which Amazon Vendors Accept Apple Pay? There is no definitive list of vendors that accept Apple Pay. You'll need to check with each vendor to see if they accept the digital wallet. On the checkout page, you should see logos associated with various payment methods. If the Apple Pay logo...


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